Friday, November 04, 2005


More Indymedia Support for Terrorism

Israellycool has been reporting on the pro-Israel demonstration in Italy, further to the call for Israel's destruction by the (psychotic) Iranian President.

It was sad that a demonstration is actually required to affirm the right of a democratic country to even exist.

He linked to an Indymedia piece, which although it happened in 2002, is as typical today. Like anything to do with Israel, UK Indymedia has showed its true colours...

The article - Zionists hold pro-Israel rally in London states:
The Zionists held a rally in Trafalgar Square today, Monday 6th May, in support of the terrorist state Israel, with a counter demonstration by Muslims, Jews and other decent-minded people.
As Israellycool notes:
This is typical of the Indymedia mindset...According to these people, affirming Israel's very right to exist makes you a Zionist worthy of contempt. Their issue is not with Israel's control over post-67 territories, but with all of Israeli territory. That makes them ideological bedfellows with the likes of Hamas and Islamic Jihad.
Surely not on Indymedia! They're such "decent-minded people" as I've been saying for nearly two years. Really! Check my archives!

It should also be mentioned that not a single flag was burned at the Italian rally, including the numerous Iranian flags which were present.

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