Wednesday, April 20, 2005


Sydney on the Mend?

I have previously condemned Sydney Indymedia for tolerating and even encouraging some of the disgraceful material on its newswire.

They appear to have lifted their game considerably in the last few weeks. Initially, I assumed this was accidental and the trolls/Nazis had found another distraction and not posted as much as usual.

Reviewing the 'hidden' articles on Sydney's newswire however (Indymedia's impotent version of deleting offensive material) I can see that significant numbers of offensive pieces had in fact been manually removed.

Credit where credit is due, well done, please keep it up.

Update: Via House of Wheels comes what Leigh refers to as "The best post in Indymedia's history" on Sydney Indymedia. Leigh sums it up: "The tin foil is in aisle 4". For what it's worth though, outlandish conspiracy theories which don't smack of racism are far more entertaining than the usual sort of garbage one might find.

Unfortunately, the headline of the article in question: "WHY THE SYDNEY MORNING HERALD SUPPORTTS (sic) FASCISM" is another unfortunate case of generous overuse of the terms fascism and Nazism by people who have very obviously never experienced either.

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