Wednesday, July 13, 2005


The Stone Thrower Responds

Robert Lindsay (Giant Looney) has responded.

He didn't appreciate being called a Giant Looney.

What a Giant Looney.

No, no, my Jewish friend, you just do not understand! Being called a giant looney is very much a compliment. I really appreciated it, Goldman, or Goldstein, or whatever you name is. :D
Your response alone, independently of your writings vindicates everything I have said about you.

You should absolutely not consider me your friend.
I've been debating on the Net for a few years now on the Middle East. I've debated with 100's of Jews, plus I have read articles, comments, blogs, reports, etc. by 1000's of Jews. I have also seen many of them on TV and heard many on the radio. Though clearly there is ordinarily nothing to distinguish a Jewish from a non-Jewish author or speaker, on the subject of Israel they usually tend to speak with pretty much one voice. There is a tone, a style, a feel, a gestalt about the way Jewish people deal with the subject of Israel.

I am pretty confident that Watcher is Jewish, and I can spot about 80-90% of them. It's true, there are some passionate Gentile Judeophiles who seem pretty similar, but even there you can usually tell them apart. The Jewish Zionist usually has a passion, a rage, a persistence, a repetetiveness, an "obsessiveness", a "bulldog" tendency, a tenaciousness, and an emotional investment in Zionism that the Gentiles usually do not have. There is a also a use of certain phrases, words and themes and rhetorical style that often sets them apart.

After a while you can kind of tell em apart, but it's not 100%. Detectives, hand-writing experts, forensic psychs, etc. engage in this type of intuitive exercize all the time.

So, no, silly, just because "he doesn't support the destruction of Israel", does not make him Jewish, of course. Most US Gentiles don't support that either.

There's a difference between not supporting genocide and being "obsessively Zionist".

Indeed. And on that basis, this blog is obsessively Zionist. :)
I wonder, what is the particular psychosis that causes some people to become obsessed with Jews, many to the point of rabid, delusional paranoia.
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