Friday, January 12, 2007


UK Indymedia Supports Terrorism

A post on UK Indymedia regarding the rocket attack on the US Embassy in Greece, has this to say:
The night of 12 january a rocket targeting the US embassy in the center of Athens was fired resulting in some damage on the building and brough a lot of frustration to the local authorities and especially the local minister of public order
Personal comment: It's good that at the climate of generalized numbness there are people that show with their actions the disaprovement to what the US GOVERNMENT does to the world.

Kisses to all
So there you have it. Once again, Indymedia explictly condones terrorism.

Subsequent comments to the post include:
lets have more of this please
Bollocks to the American embassy!
well done to all involved
Good shot!
liquidate americans wherever you find them
too bad all americans arent killed, every one needs to be kiled, Man, Woman, Child- all are equally guilty, rise the proletariat against the ravages of americans there needs to be a final solution to the infestation of north america.
Should bomb the day care centres of the diplomats families

Death to america
Death to all who help america
Followed by the usual conspiracy theories. Interestingly, the Jews haven't been blamed. Yet.

Before any of the usual gang of idiots try the cop-out excuse about Indymedia being an open newswire, it is worth noting that far from being hidden (despite a formal request), the article was actually 'promoted' by one of the UK Inydmedia administrators to their promoted newswire.

Let there be no doubt.

So there you have it. Once again, Indymedia explictly condones terrorism.

We know where their funding comes from, don't we?
just a sec, these aren't Indymedia comments these are end user comments. 'personal comments'.

Stop hyping and get real with your posts, your doing the same as you are claiming indymedia does, hype your point of view, ignoring the facts.
"Your comment has been saved and will be visible after blog owner approval."

ahh corporate blogger site and censorship of views, shoulda guessed.

Don't read much indymedia, but not reading this hype either. what a waste of time
Yes... My censorship knows no bounds.

just a sec, these aren't Indymedia comments these are end user comments. 'personal comments'.


I quoted both the article, as well as subsequent comments. Both of which endorsed terror attacks. Go read it again, and perhaps a third time, before accusing me of ignoring the facts.

Regardless, whether they are "end user" comments or not, the fact is that Indymedia encourages precisely this manner of terrorist apologia.
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