Friday, January 19, 2007


Unmoderated, Uncontrolled, Cesspit.

This is what happens, when you have an unmoderated, uncontrolled and wide-open website, which attracts a certain kind of person.

(Link contains porn)

For 'some reason', quality news sites don't seem to have this problem. If they did, and couldn't control it, I am confident they'd pull the plug very quickly.

the ironies continue to abound here

this site is guilty of so many things that it accuses indymedia websites of. "hypocrisy" is a very close runner up with a recognition of the serious (unrealized?) ironies here

"For 'some reason', quality news sites don't seem to have this problem. If they did, and couldn't control it, I am confident they'd pull the plug very quickly." (

I guess in line with this brilliant author's thinking then indymediacrock, this site, is not quality news. check the random comment about sucking terrorist dick and, more importantly, the editor(s) response about "censorship" of this rude-assed, off-topic comment. better to leave homophobic anti-muslim hate up to embarrass this site than to, dread, censor it

does that qualify this here site as a "Moderated, Uncontrolled, Cesspit"?

yet the author(s) of this site make "a good meal" from this site [editor comment at]. and they have the nerve to criticize hundreds and hundreds of indymedia volunteers worldwide en masse as not up to snuff?

the most stunning thing, though, is that supposedly intelligent people like UCIMCs David Gehrig patronize this site and think it is a one-up on anything
"(Link contains porn)"

Well, if you really want to get technical about it, your links always lead to "porn" as long as it leads to an indymedia, which is without question synonymous with Jew hating and terrorist sympathizing.

As for the bedwetter complaining about the bullseye accurate designation of appeasers as terrorist fellators, and screeching about "homophobia" and "anti-Muslim hate" all in the same sentence, I suggest that mental cripple get up off it's knees and do a little research about how much homophobia Islam practices.

The cretin can start here:

The abject stupidity of leftists never ceases to amaze.

1) Feel free to click 'other' and think of a more creative posting handle for the benefit of anyone replying to you.

2) I guess in line with this brilliant author's thinking then indymediacrock, this site, is not quality news

Your entire argument is irrelevant. This does not claim to be a news site. It does not claim to be a brave new experiment in open media.

Indymedia claims to be all of those things. What this site does do (and quite well) is point out the rampant dysfunction, unprofessionalism, non-accountability, antisemitism, racism, support for terrorism and general hopelessness of Indymedia.

The biggest shame, is that people like you, who are obviously enamored with Indymedia, are incapable of seeing that it has a major problem. Instead, you dismiss and deride criticism - which this site represents - and kid yourselves that all is well.

I don't expect for a second that you'll believe me, but guess what: It isn't!
The watcher makes an excellent comment above when he states that the pevious poster probably thinks all is well at Indymedia. It reminds me of the last days of the old Communist Party in the UK when they were down to less than 30 members, funding was non existent and electoral support zero. The old General Secretary was still then claiming that the CPGB represented the views and opinions of ALL working people in Britian, so out of touch, so irrelevant, so sad. Indymedia has gone the same way. Heads in the sand, no willingness to confront the cancers that run through the sites, the anti-semitism, racism, hate speech and general unprofessionalism.
A complete root and branch overhall of the present set up is required. For the UK site a growing movement exists to throw out the exisiting muppets who are ruining the project but their response (of course) is to label these people; Zionists and MI5 agents ! Incredible

ex IMC'er
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