Monday, November 27, 2006


Bob Dylan: Reactionary Fascist

Next time you plan to play a Bob Dylan tune at a local protest or farmers market, you had best think twice. The Indymedia vanguard professes him to be no more than an enemy of the people. Via Indymedia San Diego:
“Amid the old timey folk music sung by the musicians at the peace supper was ironically, “The Times They Are a Changing.” Is there an unstated recognition of similarity with Bob Dylan; his cult of personality, looking out for number one, his material wealth - now a part of the problem?”

Is there anything that the Unbathed won't bitch about? What a bunch of eternally whining runny nosed losers.

Personally, I never cared much for most of Dylan. For me, his Frampton moment was "Lay Lady Lay", surely a sexist anthem if ever there was one. hehe

I have a newfound appreciation for it now. Thanks for the posting. :)
Of course you stupids here hate indymedia because you love the power of the Right but for what it's worth, my little lecture on Dylan's nature:

Dylan is very complex. Not a reactionary fascist, but not a job applicant for political change either despite his scathing Masters of War lyrics on the military industrial complex - 'even Jesus would never forgive what you do', and 'l'll stand on your grave and I'll make sure that you're dead'. It's all about the poetry and lyric for him I'm afraid. An artistic egotist is more like it.

In Wedding Song on Planet Waves out in 1974 about the year Vietnam war was really unravelling, he sings in a beautiful tune something like

'it's never been my duty to remake the world at large'

and on it goes

'I love you more than ever,
more than time, and more than love, I love more then ever and more than the stars above, I love more than madness more than dreams upon a sea, I love you more than life itself you mean than much to me'

There's lots more spooky emotion in there.

In fact Bob I would say is a lover, not a hater and you need at least a bit of hate to be a revolutionary. Funny but I do take it to relate to his ethno religous Jewish ancestry. How can you want to overthrow a western system that mutedly 'allowed' the Holocaust and yet also permitted Israel. No wonder the guy writes poetry as the best resolution of that absurd humanist quandary.
"ecology action" is quite the Unbathed sloganeering fuckwit. How nice of it to drop by and lecture us on stupid.
Famin in Africa, Religious Fundamentalism in the Middle East, War in Iraq and Afghanistan and what does some fuckwit think is important to talk about ...... Bob Dylan is a sellout !
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Of course the hateful ones (just a little hate makes their day go by) were never able to forgave Dylan's masterpiece 'The Neighborhood Bully' (never more appropiate song than now). Check it out!
I find it rather amusing that 'Ecology Action' accuses Indymediawatch of loving the right. In fact, increasingly crtiticism of Indymedia is coming from people from the left and centre ground as well, appalled at the endless sectarianism, personal abuse, anti-smemitism and homophobia of many (not all) sites of the network.

As for having a "bit of hate", I would contend that this is an infantile remark. Anyone involved in campainging work of any sort will be aware that hate ultimately consumes the holder. In fact, at its best, the left has been motivated by love of humanity, as its philosophers from William Morris to Che Guevara have remarked. It was the corrosive hate that has led to the viciousness of Stalinism and - today, the vitriol of the macho fringe.
OHMSS asked: "Is there anything that the Unbathed won't bitch about? What a bunch of eternally whining runny nosed losers."

The kind of comment you might expect from an eternally whining runny nosed loser. No?

Your (the Indy Media Watch crew) critique of Indymedia is coloured by the fact that you quite simply don't understand it, coupled with your rather boring stereotypes of these extreme leftists that you like banging on (and on and on) about.

Thankfully this is a 'free thinking uncensored' sort of space, so I can make this points without fear of being hidden. I'm sure that Raul/IMC Monitoring Team/Indymedia GB etc etc etc wishes he had that sort of freedom on IMC UK.

If Indy Media watch wasn't a hate blog, and met up to its own standards, then there would be nothing stopping you lovely folks from engaging with IMC UK through its own transparent structures.

Thank you for caring :)
Another one bites the dust.

Italy Indymedia, one of the largest and most active Indymedia centres in the world has closed.

This follows a protracted discussion of financial, resource and policy problems, particularly the difficulty of managing the newswire.

Sam Wilson writes:
Thankfully this is a 'free thinking uncensored' sort of space, so I can make this points without fear of being hidden.

Quite right. As long as you remain civil, you are welcome to come here and make a complete ass of yourself. You have certainly achieved this title on numerous occasions previously and your latest effort is no exception.

If Indy Media watch wasn't a hate blog

It isn't. Sadly, you are unable to see that. Why? Refer my earlier adjective...

there would be nothing stopping you lovely folks from engaging with IMC UK through its own transparent structures.

Absolute rubbish, garbage, trash.

There is significant censorship on UK Indymedia and wholesale denial of rampant antisemitism. This problem has been blogged here on numerous occasions previously and most people reading these comments would be familiar with it. You remain in denial.

So are you naive? Or simply a liar? Which is it?

The FBI are bugging Ecology Action's computer.

Is your computer free of FBI bugs?

You have been warned!
Gehrig managed to find the list and argue his case about 1 article which was subsequently hidden.

If the anti-semitism is so rampant, one has to wonder why he isn't repeating the execise. I still think that 95% of it is in your head. And that much of the other 5% comes from zionists seeking to discredit IMC and prove that anti-semitism is ramapant.

As for the google link you've provided - I can assure you that Sam Wilson and chrisc are not the same person.

Ask the Raul/IMC monitoring team/indymedia GB troll - he knows who I am. He still hasn't posted up the urls to his oft promoted sites though, has he? Top marks for posting up that comment from him in the 'UK Again' post btw.

Its possible that you don't hate Indymedia. You surely can't object to being lumped in with your commenteers though. You do that to Indymedia all the time.

The IMC UK features list is open, publicly advertised and read by far more of the IMC admins than this sleazy little backwater. So, if you really want to steer IMC UK onto a better path, you'd do better posting on that.
Sam Wilson, clearly drugs have not been good to you.

You claim: If the anti-semitism is so rampant, one has to wonder why he isn't repeating the execise. I still think that 95% of it is in your head. And that much of the other 5% comes from zionists seeking to discredit IMC and prove that anti-semitism is ramapant.

So let me get this straight, for the record. You actually believe, a continuing stream of antisemitic content posted on UK Indymedia, is actually posted, not by antisemites, but by Zionists?

Is that what you believe?
Is it what I said?

"Continuing stream."

That would be how many of the articles on the front page right now?
"Compare that to the article I posted on the leader of a major Muslim organization in the UK being found to have contributed money to David Irving in 2000"

Yes a Cut and paste from the Observer - which directly contradicted the relevant editorial guideline:

Reposts : Articles that are simply pasted from corporate news sites. Please write something original, by all means link to articles elsewhere and quote from them but don't just copy them.

"Guess it wasn't blatantly antisemitic, so it wasn't allowed to fester for a week or two."

Yes I'm not surprised that you guessed that. However there doesn't seem to be a guideline saying "not anti-semitic enough". If there were then the watcher might be able to substantiate his 'continuous stream' a lot more easily.

The article you contacted the list about was hidden under the 'discrimination' guideline on the 5th - ie 4 days after your first post to the list. as to your being "rebuffed" - people can check out whether that claim is valid by following the exchange here: - the exchange starts at the second email where the previous emails on the thread are listed.

The thread remains visible despite claims here by the Raul/IMC Monitoring Team/Indymedia GB/ex IMCer troll (oh if only he would post those urls....) that:

"The discussion was on the public list but all evidence of it was removed this morning (UK time) they are now discussing this via the non public list and a number of private e-mails."

He tends to lie about anything and everything.

Anyway - REBUFFED seems like somewhat of an exaggeration - perhaps you aren't always rational and measured in your appraisal of situations or indeed text.

Perhaps you could assist 'the watcher' by listing all the anti-semitic articles to be found on the front page now?
oops the Raul/IMC Monitoring Team/Indymedia GB/ex IMCer troll's comment can be found here:
"don't bother arguing with that little sh*t Sam Wilson, he aint going to change anything at Indy UK, he likes it like it is.

they hate jews and think that calling them zionists makes it all right, you cant argue with wankers like that"

Yes, you're all loving and fluffy - your post shows that.

You don't have a hope in hell of changing anything if you're not prepared to enter into dialogue - but I think one thing is clear - the idealogical position you've adopted means that arguing is pointless - and all this blog can be is sleazy little backwater whine.

Don't let the pressure of being challenged cause your health to falter.
You don't have a hope in hell of changing anything if you're not prepared to enter into dialogue

Sam, dialogue with you, is like talking to a child who has his hands over his ears and is going "lalalalala" at the top of his voice.

Google for yourself on this site. It is quite tragic to watch.
Yes, you and OHMSS have a similar view of "far leftists" - so you would think that.

Meanwhile you should thank me for doing a bit free troll control - you've only been partly suckered by the Raul/IMC Monitoring Team/Indymedia GB/Ex IMCer troll so far.

You sure this isn't a hate blog?


Continuous stream indeed......
Yes, you and OHMSS have a similar view of "far leftists" - so you would think that.

Read my comment again Sam. My view is not of "far leftists" Sam, but of you.

Meanwhile you should thank me for doing a bit free troll control

We should thank you? Thus far, you would have to have been the biggest troll we've encountered. However, your posts howsoever circular in argument and flawed in logic, are at least civil, so they remain.
You sure this isn't a hate blog?

A defender of Nazimedia asks such a question.

Where would we be without those Self Anointed "intellectuals"?
Well at least I actually listen to Bob Dylan. No sense of musical genius here I see, just back biting from various directions.

My recent fave is Grace by Jeff Buckley some of which is on You Tube, and also There There by Radiohead, what an incredible film clip with Tolkienesque, Dorothy's shoes (Wizard of Oz), Jason's Golden Fleece, Hitchcock's birds.

Sorry for being too sophisticated for you folks. It's always been my bane. Have a nice day :)
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