Saturday, September 23, 2006


Blaming Jews

Sydney Indymedia once again shows why it's probably one of the worst Indymedias with a piece that asks "Who is Al Qaeda", while forgetting the question mark. We could sit and argue over whether that means a question is actually being asked, or we could just shake our collective heads at the post.
Al Qaeda is administrated by the Pakistan secret police & the Pakistan secret police is financed by the CIA basically the american government, the american government is financed & supported & directed by the super rich leaders of the corporations of the world, so the super rich leaders of the world are responsible for killing innocent peoples in order to achieve their political agendas. A large proportion of the corporations in the world are administered by Jews & so Al Qaeda are employed by the Jews to terrorise people.
That's right, apparently Jews, the CIA and corporations are to blame for Al-Qaeda. But if you've been reading this blog for a while, it won't be the first time you've heard these ridiculous falsehoods.

More: Melbourne Indymedia wants you to know all about the "Neo-Fascists Planning "Useful Crisis" #2: Rove Promises 'October Surprise'".
911 = PNAC, CIA, Mossad 22.09.2006
A `Qaeda' attack would help Bush in the forthcoming midterms. And it would help Olmert, whose popularity has dropped sharply following the disastrous Israeli invasion of Lebanon.

Netanyahu also recently visited Cheney. are they planning an "October Surprise?"

One thing is certain, Israel has a history of creating fake Al Qaeda.
Anti-semitism flows like a river on the Indymedia networks.

Anti-semitism flows like a river on the Indymedia networks.

It's called the Nazimedia for a reason.
On Indymedia UK right now there's an interesting battle between the so called "Editors" and those seeking to post articles. In the past hidden posts were simply hidden however it seems that they have now moved to removing the titles and authors replacing them with "Not arrpoved for Indymedia Publication". This seems to be because many people now go straight to the Hidden page and are reading posts the editors don't like. All this is on the back off what seems to be an all time high in removing posts from the site. Over the weekend there were scores of posts complaining about this, all of them have of course been now removed !
"On Indymedia UK right now there's an interesting battle between the so called "Editors" and those seeking to post articles. In the past hidden posts were simply hidden however it seems that they have now moved to removing the titles and authors replacing them with "Not arrpoved for Indymedia Publication". This seems to be because many people now go straight to the Hidden page and are reading posts the editors don't like. All this is on the back off what seems to be an all time high in removing posts from the site. Over the weekend there were scores of posts complaining about this, all of them have of course been now removed !"

You'd be more credible if you published the link to your site - google hasn't heard of it.
Its the url for the now infamous gb indymedia that is being asked for. The poster who claims to have set up the gb alternative site comments here but never leaves the url. Hopefully the watcher will clock this and not fall for the troll's little tricks.
""On Indymedia UK right now there's an interesting battle between the so called "Editors" and those seeking to post articles. In the past hidden posts were simply hidden however it seems that they have now moved to removing the titles and authors replacing them with "Not arrpoved for Indymedia Publication". This seems to be because many people now go straight to the Hidden page and are reading posts the editors don't like. All this is on the back off what seems to be an all time high in removing posts from the site. Over the weekend there were scores of posts complaining about this, all of them have of course been now removed !"

Strangely enough, all these posts appear on one date and all within minutes of each other between 17.15 and 17.40

Its similar to all those gb indymedia posts that always appear without a url. The IMC monitoring team 'based at Bristol University', their posts never have a url either. Anyway, instead of spamming and indymediawatch, why doesn't the troll redeem its credibility by posting the urls for and the IMC monitoring team. They both fit perfectly into the indymediawatch agenda and I'm sure the watcher would never remove them.

Then everyone can enjoy them.

Which will be pleasant.
Strange that somebody from Indymedia UK has the time and inclination to visit this blog and try to discredit the people behind the IMC Monitoring team - I wonder why ?
"Strange that somebody from Indymedia UK has the time and inclination to visit this blog and try to discredit the people behind the IMC Monitoring team - I wonder why ?"

Well, why not publish the url and make me look stupid? In the meantime, I feel it is my neighbourly duty to warn all and sundry that the troll is incapable of telling the truth, and is one sad indiviual. Team indeed!!!
The Indymedia UK editors are running scared if they have the time to keep posting here !!!!
The IMC monitoring team/ indymedia gb/ Raul individual is obviously too busy posting here to publish the urls to those fabulous site that he's been pushing with such vigour for so long.

I've got no idea what an "indymedia editor" is, but you'll all be delighted to know that it can spare me without falling apart.

Can anyone else find urls for this IMC monitoring team (based at bristol University) or the all new and shiny indymedia gb, which promises to do Indymedia the way it should be done (Hurrah!). How about some of poor old Raul's weekly demos outside the Cuban Embassy. Any photos, reports or other urls?

Imagine making all this stuff up....
For Sam Wilson
Let me get this straight, because somebody reports on demos outside the Cuban embassy which Indymedia in England then hides this is ok ?

Why do you object to Brits and I guess some Cubans protesting against the Cubans and why do you think it is ok to hide those reports ? Or do you think the Cuban people live an ok life ?
Hee hee - the only "evidence" of demos outside the Cuban Embassy by "Raul" are the posts on Indymedia. Raul must be a complete fuckwit if he couldn't find any other space on the whole wide web to post his heroic actions. Except he's a figment of the IMC Monitoring Team/indymedia GB/ Raul troll's imagination.

Now, as you're here and checking comments, where are the urls? What is the point of spending all that time trolling if there aren't sites to go to?

Had there been a genuine protest outside the Cuban Embassy, then I'm sure that the security at the Embassy would have sent the images to their contacts inside Indymedia Uk, and they would have been published.

You do remember your theory that Indymedia UK and the Cuban diplomats are mates, surely?

Oh yes, and thanks to the watcher for providing the space to show the troll up. ;)
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