Sunday, October 23, 2005


Linky Linky

I have previously configured links to external sites (e.g. Indymedia pages) to open in a new window and links within this blog to open in the same window. The next link will demonstrate my habit to date.

Having just read Jakob Nielsen's Top-10 New Mistakes of Web Design I now realize this may not be what some users expect or appreciate, given that they could open it in a new window themself if they wanted, however I have been forcing it on them. The article also makes some interesting points about breaking the 'back button' on peoples' browsers.

To be honest, opening links in a new window is a bit of a pain as Blogger doesn't have many options in this regard. I have to manually add "target=_blank" to each hyperlink. Could readers please add a comment to this post indicating their thoughts and preference on the matter and I will adjust further posts accordingly.

In-post links in the same window is nice. But whatever you would rather do is good for me.
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