Monday, February 05, 2007


Wacky Mossad Mayhem

A post on UK Indymedia is advertising a fundraiser for a Palestinian charity.

Event details are followed by this comment:
ignore any zionist comments stating that it's cancelled.

Well done for organising this event. Such postings here invariably attract zionist students who are actually paid by israel to continuously monitor and disrupt sites like this by posting comments stating that such pro Palestine events are cancelled due to "staff shortages" or the like. So if you see any such comments on this or on other activist sites, just ignore them and continue supportting [sic] this cause.
Does Mossad's budget know no bounds?

(Disclaimer: I am a paid Mossad agent, as are my pets and all the readers of this blog)

Needless to say, no such comment about cancellation has appeared on the site, nor is one really likely. However, it would be amusing if the function were actually cancelled, yet everybody turned up anyway, believing the cancellation post to be a deceptive Mossad ploy. Upon arriving at an empty venue, I have no doubt they'd blame the Jews for that as well.

Elsewhere on UK Indymedia, more of the usual antisemitic claptrap one might expect from that site:
it is the FACT [sic] that the representation of zionists within government is way beyond mere numerical relationships
it is the FACT [sic] that those that control the systems of money (the privately owned federal reserve) are almost universally jewish and represent the familiar roll call of old european banking houses
it is the FACT [sic] that the representation of zionists within government is way beyond mere numerical relationships

it is the FACT [sic] that by dint of dual nationality (one thinks of the present democratic 'money man' and his stint in the idf) these zionists flagrently [sic] breech [sic] the LAW on foreign powers and agents acting within government

it is the FACT [sic] that divergence from the zionist position will get you smeared from coast to coast in print, on tv & radio and from within debating chambers supposedly representing AMERICAN interests

it is the FACT [sic] that those that control the systems of money (the privately owned federal reserve) are almost universally jewish and represent the familiar roll call of old european banking houses

some call it Zionist Occupation Government

you would call it coincidence and unimportent?[sic]
It is the FACT that antisemites can't spell and aren't that bright.

So there you have it. Jews (sorry, sorry, Zionists) control the government, media, and world banks.

"Sam Wilson" should be along any second now to insist that there is no antisemitism on UK Indymedia and it's all in our imagination. While he's at it, he may also care to explain why hiding some articles which are reposts with links to other sites is considered to be within the "editorial guidelines", yet endless posts from "Kurt Nimmo's" blog such as the above, which fit a certain 'agenda', remain on the newswire.

I am interested to note that a poster on UK Indymedia refers to a "Zionist Occupation Government". This phrase is usually associated with activists of the extreme right - Strasserists, Hitlerites and so on. Even the 'moderate' neo-right outfits don't (publicly) use it. It is evidence that Indymedia is increasingly an outlet for people of the far right, not the left.
It's not that those running Indymedia UK are from the Far Right, they quite rightly are disgusted by the Nazis and all they stand for.... except for one area. Jews, the common ground the Left and Right have in European politics is their distrust and hatred of Jews. The Right are blatent about it, the Left prefer to hide their prejudice with the covers all smokescreen of "Zionism".

Takr a look at the Hidden page on the UK site over the last few weeks and all the posts and comments that have been hidden for no other reason that simple prejudice.

ex IMC'er
It is evidence that Indymedia is increasingly an outlet for people of the far right, not the left.

Oh really? Could it be logically deduced that the far right found fertile ground in the indymedia? Stormfront has been actively seeking recruits the last couple of years. (They were even trying to infiltrate the Freepers). And you have people like Bob Ness and Wendy Campbell and Jordan Thornton posting their Nazi sewage all over the network.

I've said for years that there's no difference in a skinhead and a leftist. Thanks for the corroboration.

.....they quite rightly are disgusted by the Nazis and all they stand for....

Utter bullshit. Shouting "Zionism" is what they think is a more palatable, a more politically correct way, of creating another 1930's. More "fertile ground", if you will.

Make no mistake - the Left is the rise of the new Reich, and every single day you can find evidence of it. And they're getting more brazen about it too:

Only a few months ago suggesting that the Israeli experiment be brought to an end was considered in poor taste in polite conversation. Now, though, it's entirely accepted, and needs no explanation
Oh, really? Cite an URL.

Let's start here, Naziboy:

Oh, I'm terribly sorry. The site is dead, ain't that right? Hmmm, so how about we begin with Buffalo? Or ThunderBay? Or Pittsburgh?

How about it, Naziboy? Are you gonna fess up? Or inject some noise ala COINTELPRO?

You've been documented as posting your Nazi filth, under what you think is the palatable comfy-cofy buzzword of "anti Zionism", for years, but it's not gonna work. You're a Brown Shirt.

Don't like me calling you what you are, Naziboy? Tough shit. You ain't got a leg to stand on because this is what you are (emphasis mine, though it's not needed):

Zionists love to sign other people's names. That's the kind of people they are, fundamentally dishonest. False flag ops are their specialty. We cannot help but wonder how many atrocities they have signed Osama bin Laden's name to, or Hamas' or the PLO's or Hizbullah's.

C'mon, Bob Nazi. Defend that sewage. I'm sure that at the very least you can call it a "forgery".
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