Friday, February 02, 2007


Just Blame the Police

A few weeks back, an armed individual in Santa Cruz ran into a restaurant, and refused to come out. This obviously prompted a police response and standoff. Thankfully for all parties involved, no one was hurt and everyone left the scene alive and well.

But over at Santa Cruz Indymedia, we learn that it was those rotten capitalist police officers who were the real threat! Because, you know, the suspect only had a pair of scissors, and the police have guns! Some individuals within the thread express their “disgust” at the waste of money attributed to this event, and place the blame squarely on the police department.
“What is with that HUGE truck? I live in something smaller than that. Pigs! Give me some taxpayer money!!!

Astounding! Not only is this the police department’s fault, but they should apparently also go into action weaponless and naked!

This is your weakest posting ever and I think you should take it down because it makes you sound petty. I actually really like the concept of your blog as a critical voice outside of the Indymedia network though.

What your analysis sometimes lacks is a differentiation between the users of Indymedia sites and their editors. I've said this before but criticizing "Indymedia" is just like criticizing a soapbox sitting in a public park. You often hit hard and square (like the article below in which I personally appear but can unjustly not comment on) but then you make ridiculous statements like "X IMC supports terrorism". A user might. In open publishing, that's not the city, it's not the ed. collective, it is one person. I'm so sick and tired of people using the sites to complain about people who use the sites as a homogeneous mass controlled by a single consciousness.

Keep it critical but for goodness sake, keep off the borg user theory, keep your own channels open, and don't waste your time criticizing comments that could be torn to shreds by monkeys with crayons.
This is your weakest posting ever
If that is the case, considering we've had over 1000 posts in a couple of years, I take it as an unintentional compliment. Thank you!

What your analysis sometimes lacks is a differentiation between the users of Indymedia sites and their editors
Not exactly. I appreciate that the article in question was relatively benign, however some of the comments were appalling. On this I think we agree.

The problem is this: Ever since this blog started its work, countless Indymedia advocates have used the "but it's open publishing" excuse as an all-purpose get out of jail free card. By using this excuse, they have washed their hands of any responsibility for the most disgraceful content which continues to appear on the various IMC sites.

At some point, someone has to take responsibility.

Let me give you an example. I didn't write this post, one of the co-contributors Roland did. However, it's my blog and I accept responsibility for it. Were Roland out of control (and he's not mind you) I would remove his access, undo the damage and get on with it. I would not make excuses about it. I appreciate this approach doesn't transfer directly to Indymedia however the fundamental concept - accountability must. It is this lack of accountability that has resulted in Indymedia ending up where it is.

you make ridiculous statements like "X IMC supports terrorism"

Indymedia refuses to hold itself to account, so others are doing it instead. If an article and/or comment appears on an IMC site which supports terror (and they often do) and the moderators are unwilling to do anything about it, what other conclusion can we reach?
sorry if i change the issue but this thread is funny
TBay, thank you for your criticism of the piece, but like the Watcher stated, there is a major point to why I found this story and the comments that followed interesting and worth sharing.

Like so many stories that deal with the police or the military, Indybay contributors or readers often jump to the conclusion that the state is at fault for what was clearly a random individual’s crime. I did state in the piece that the comment in question was “individuals within the thread”, and not part of the core story per say.
"Like so many stories that deal with the police or the military, Indybay contributors or readers often jump to the conclusion that the state is at fault for what was clearly a random individual’s crime."

Except.... one of the people posting to Indybay about police violence is also one of the people posting on this site attacking Indybay for antiSemitism...

You could just as easilly accuse Indymedia Watch writers as Indymedia writers since the only thing that unites you is hatred for specific things about Indymedia sites and if any of you actually expressed all of your views rather than just focusing on hate you would find you hate each other as much as you hate the various Indymedia sites
You could just as easilly accuse Indymedia Watch writers as Indymedia writers since the only thing that unites you is hatred for specific things about Indymedia sites and if any of you actually expressed all of your views rather than just focusing on hate you would find you hate each other as much as you hate the various Indymedia sites

I'm scratching my head over the sloganeering moron and it's overuse of the word "hate", especially knowing that it's called the Nazimedia for a reason.
Slapping around the leftists like a ten cent hooker is too easy. Not long after my previos post I found this:

Now, just what was that chimp mewling about "hate"? And no crap about COINTELPRO either, because the thread has been up for a couple of days, and it's not hidden either.
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