Wednesday, July 05, 2006


Porn Attack

A post on Sydney Indymedia raises concern about Porn attacks targetting Sydney IMC.

Looking through "recent comments on the site" I can see several examples:
Nice site. Thank you! Kswiss Com Mx Eagle Creek Lumbar Support Travel Sony Cd Changer Control
etc. Note I've modified the above to give less succour to the spammer.

Interestingly, comes the suggestion that the spam may be evidence of something more sinister:
As suggested by the late Milo Dunphy, a life long environmental activist the use of porn to corrode and attack genuine political empowerment is a pretty well worn track.

As sexual beings the use of porn to attack this site is pretty transparently cynical and quite possibly political in nature


Are we now seeing similar tactics here on at the comments side bar visible for those who have logged on ID at the so called 'left leaning' Sydney indy media website?

If its not cynical politics it sure is a convincing masquerade.

If it can be proven then it would indeed be a good example of abuse of power and an attempt at indirect censorship by smearing the site, the individual postings with confusing off topic material.

Frankly the sabotage is a shameless disgrace. Good luck to the IMC geeks with this one. At the least it suggests someone is quite uncomfortable with the serious postings on this community generated news website. And long may it be so.

I doubt it.

Every blogger, every online discussion forum owner and just about anyone with an email address will have received similar spam in the past. Whilst it amazes me anyone would buy such unethically marketed trash, evidently some do and the problem remains. As a consequence, a wholly unmoderated newswire and comment system, such as Indymedia's, generally is begging to be spammed. There's no anti-Indymedia conspiracy and frankly, the very suggestion this activity is part of some automated smear campaign smacks of denial as to how seriously Indymedia content is taken.

We know spammers, like graffiti vandals aren't discerning as to their target. Noting the spam and post in question came from Sydney Indymedia, it is worth noting the spammer's posts are better written (and less offensive) than certain other spam-like contributions to the site. They don't appear to be as controversial. Maybe if Faruque Ahmed starting selling Viagra...

The guy on SIMC who thinks spam is part of a dirty tricks (pun intended) campaign has just re-registered himself as a lawyer, his name is Tom.

Tom's speciality is offering legal advice to community groups and making random legal threats.

If I was as paranoid as Tom, I might think he was part of a covert attempt to discredit the left. If I was as paranoid as Tom...
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