Tuesday, July 05, 2005


Dropping Rocks and Sawing Heads

Bristol Indymedia is having a crisis. As previously reported their servers were seized by police investigating the dropping of rocks onto a train line, details of which were posted on Bristol Indymedia.

One of my readers has referred me to a Google cache of a now hidden article on Bristol Indymedia (offline in any case) which tells an interesting story. It's the original post which caused the controversy.
alternative panel-beating for oxygen.
with the G8 on the horizon, we looked for a simple yet effective way to stick two fingers up to this oil-addicted society.we found one! a train that carries brand-new cars from portbury dock nr avonmouth through the avon gorge to ashton and bedminster to desperse at temple meads for the rest of the country. Some questions that came into our little minds were:is portbury dock fianancially-competative? [yes], who paid for the tracks and maintance from portbury to parson St bedminster?. has anyone ever seen a passenger train on this route?,and sitting on a hot coach because you can't afford hiked-up train fayres, you see yet more new cars you can't afford to buy being transported by rail,to consume more oil, that our enviroment can't take. So we did an oxygen-grab as a kind of work-out up to the summit.Lifting and then dropping rocks onto useless pieces of metal.[17/06/05] We are feeling fit now for the greedy-ate, we suggest others should take aim and practice. The forth-coming event around gleneagles will not automatically mean a head-on confrontation with the old-bill, they have more spiteful weapons than us, so let us side step them and unbalance them using our minds. good luck stay free, S.P. ray.
Recognizing the criminal nature of the above, Indymedia contributor 'Zaskar' reported the matter to the Police and subsequently felt the wrath of other Indymedia types.

You can read his public mauling here from about post 535 onward (registration required, bugmenot.com is your friend) and a slightly more rational discussion here.

Zaskar has made a short-film about his expulsion.
'Death of a Troll', a faked beheading kicks off this compilation, then some beheading outtakes and finally the very poignant 'Death of A Terrorist'.
Indymedia Akhbar! Indymedia Akhbar!

I was horrified by the abuse I recieved that peaked with warnings of death threats from the police ! I was once a great fan of BIM, I was wrong. I at first thought they were decent tho rather dim, then I realised they were rather stupid and hypocritical, and finally it dawned on me they are all actually quite bad people.

Glad you were amused by our film.

Mark. (zaskar)
Bristol Indymedia is still down.

They got a server box donated to them recently:


It is not clear what the money they raised to buy a new server will now be spent on.
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