Wednesday, March 16, 2005


Columbia Style

In my last entry on an article discussing "Columbia University and the New Anti-Semitism" I referred to the "Harvard Style" of referencing source material.

For the benefit of readers who didn't know what that was, I was going to link to a description. I thought I could make an oh-so-subtle joke by linking to a reference from Columbia University. Instead, searching their website for "Harvard" I found something more interesting.

The Columbia University Digital Knowledge Venture Editorial Style Guide which provides guidelines to all documents, both online and print, that originate at Columbia University Digital Knowledge Ventures (DKV).

The very second entry:
Not anti-Israeli.
Yes, I know the list is in alphabetical order and this doesn't mean anything on its own, but scanning the whole document, you will notice the amount of specifications for 'certain' geographic regions or political groups is quite disproportionate to geographic or political descriptors for the rest of the world (sorry Professor, The World).

I didn't go to Columbia and perhaps it is just an innocent compilation of frequently abused styles in academic papers, but really, in between the PLO, Gaza and Neoconservatives, how much "Digital Knowledge" are they producing about the "World Zionist Organization"?

Maybe there is something going on at Columbia after all...

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