Saturday, February 12, 2005


Indymedia Introspection

According to this invitation:
Indy journalists will converge on Austin February 18-20 to discuss our progress as a media democracy movement, as well as look at ways we can improve our content and effectiveness as a radical media network. As a collaborative and participatory media project, we see the need to come together and form new directions for this movement. This conference is meant to be both a celebration of our work as media activists and an investigation into our methods for getting where we are today. We still have many challenges to overcome if we are to truly be a viable and sustainable radical media network.
Sadly, looking at the agenda, I can see most of the problems I have raised are not on it. There is a brief mention of "Internal Instabilities: Potentials and Shortcoming of Indymedia". Hopefully they will come up with the blindingly obvious answer before retiring to the bar.

Potential Very Real Shortcomings:
It's not hard... Otherwise, there's always this option...

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