Wednesday, June 07, 2006


The Demise of Indybay

Charismatic Megafauna expands on Bay Area Indymedia's demise.
IndyBay is now a wasteland. The hidden comments section is GONE. Screw dialogue, they say, lets have diatribes...from one side. What is the point of this, and how is it in the spirit of open publishing, work towards peace, understanding, tolerance, and freedom of informatiom? I haven't the foggiest.
I have said this from the beginning, about Indymedia in general.
The Left of Northern California is now officially deprived of open publishing IndyMedia...IndyBay is gone, and Santa Cruz...well that's a topic I ought to write more on, some other time. They have shut out Becky Johnson, fabulous journalist and effective activist, because she has written in support of Israel. Listening to their interviews is disgusting...a bunch of self righteous pricks, really, who ask the same question over and over again after being proved irrelevant.

That comment was written by nessie of SF, who's done more than his share of destroying the indymedia from within. Not that I'm complaining. More power to him.
What this anonymous poster does not seem to get is that traffic does not equal quality. Heck, I would bet that half the folks going to Indybay at this point do so to see the outrageous train wreck is has become.

They can get one million visitors a day, and still have nothing but lousy reporting and inflammatory propaganda.
re: quality

Well if that's what megafauna's point is, then perhaps he should speak more clearly. Most people do not think of quality issues when they read the word "demise". Besides, megafauna is merely complaining about not being about to post to the site, so he apparently egotistically equates a lack of his posts there as demise, or a quality issue. That's rich. But now he has his own blog, so his high-quality whines can breathe
wishful thinking, G.

gerhig things he can predict the future.

don't bet the farm on it.
>That comment was written by nessie

You mean *this* nessie?



And the ad hominem containing comment posted on 6/09/2006 03:10:42 is by an indybay editor, one of those self-righteous pricks. I'm familiar with his writing style including the lack of capital letters where necessary. All he and his colleagues can do at this point is try to save face, so we can understand their desperation. BTW one of his colleagues initiated heavy flame wars in LA-IMC and may have been responsible for the Bible spam that plagued the site.
Heck, the comment on 6/09/2006 08:48:32 AM was likely submitted by an Indybay editor too. No one but one of their editors would have a motive to make the claims he did. But they're rather bizarre since CM is still able to post some comments -- at least on Green issues -- without having them hidden or getting autoblocked.
re: don't bet the farm on it.

I wish I had taken Gerhig for some cash on his predictions now that this site is the one with "demise" hanging over its storefront.

Oh, well.
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