Tuesday, April 18, 2006


Cause and Effect

A sixteen year old Palestinian suicide bomber blows himself up in Israel.

As Meryl Yourish notes:
Shrapnel is what killed Phillip Balhasan, who stayed alive long enough to realize his children had survived, and to hug them tightly before he collapsed.

But even this is not enough for the terrorists. They also soak the shrapnel in rat poison, because it causes hemorrhaging — victims may bleed to death before they can get to the hospital.

Remember all of this, when you hear the world tell Israel to “use restraint” in responding to this attack. Remember all of this, when you read about the innocent metal shop owners who insist their shops were only making nails and screws for construction purposes.

Remember all of this, when Israel is the nation that is demonized by the blind, hateful people who wear checked kaffiyehs at anti-war protests, and call Israel an “apartheid state” for building a separation barrier — to keep out the monsters who would use bombs like I have just described.

Remember this, when you look at the pictures of the results of the bombing, and notice the thousands of dents in the metal surrounding the bombing area — the mark of the ball-bearings and other metal shrapnel.

These are the people with whom the world sympathizes: Those who create and set off the bombs. Not the victims. The bombers.

And that’s the worst evil of all.
Sure is.

Remember this also, when reading UK Indymedia's contribution to the discussion - on its front page: Israeli Repression in Palestine Intensifies as the Borders are Re-drawn

Ah balance...

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So stop firing fucking kassams from Gaza at random civilian targets in Israel. No mention of that in your "article". Funny that. Even if your missiles are crap, a response by the IDF is necessary of course.

And why focus on 2 inadvertant child victims of the Israeli retalliation without even mentioning that 12 rocket-firing terrorists were also killed or that on one case one of the terrorists had taken his (now dead) child to the firing site with him?

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